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Cluster & ladyfingers sambar

Updated: Jul 21, 2020

Cluster and ladyfingers sambar is a simple main dish and cook in 45 minutes. Toor dal, Ladyfingers, cluster, sambar powder, tamarind is the main ingredients of the dish.


200 gram ladyfingers (2 -3 inch length)
Ladyfingers (3-4 inch length)
100 gram Toor dal
2-3 pieces tamarind (soak)
1 tsp salt
2 tsp sambar powder
1 cup of coconut (grind)
1/4 urad
1/4 mustard seed
1/4 turmeric powder
1 big onions (small cube size)
1/4 big onions (chopped)
3 tsp oil
3 cup of rice water (or) water
Small pieces of asafoetida

  • Take a vessel add rice water or water and heat it.

  • Add Toor dal.

  • Add 1/4 turmeric powder.

  • Close the pan with boiling in 10 - 15 minutes. (medium flame)

  • Toor dal cook well

  • Take a pan add 2 tsp oil and heat it.

  • Add cluster beans and small cube size onion with saute in 5-10 minutes. (medium flame)

  • Now veggies saute well.

  • Take a pan add ladyfingers to sauté.

  • Add 1 tsp oil to sauté

  • Add sprinkle salt to saute, until wait for golden spot.

  • Now the veggies saute well

  • Pour the boiled tool dal

  • Add 2 tsp sambar powder and 1 tsp salt.

  • Add cup of water(optional)

  • close the Pan boiling in 5- 10 minutes

  • Then add 1/4 cup of tamarind water boiling in medium flame.

  • Take a pan add oil and heat it

  • Add urad, until wait for brownish color.

  • Add 1/4 tsp of mustard seed, until wait for explosive.

  • Add chopped onions, until wait for golden brownish color.

  • Pour the sambar mix well.

  • Add coconut grind boil in 5 minutes

  • Add curry leaves

  • Switch off the flame.

  • Add asafoetida

  • Then serve it.

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